Why do 9/10 startups fail brutally? Here are 10 ‘NOT TO DO’S’ for survival!

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Starting up is hard, and the fact that 9/10 of them fail within the initial three years makes it look even more dreadful. Intelligent entrepreneurs always learn from others’ mistakes and try to avoid them in their own startups. It is observed that most unsuccessful startups show specific signs which help kill the startup brutally! […]

Startups begin with Idea! Successful Startup begins with MVP!!

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God created life i.e human beings. Human wants became vicious and unending. He created more things, invented technologies. Some of them were not required and redundant, so he threw them off i.e. rubbish and garbage. You readers out there might be thinking what I want to say, God, Man, Garbage…??? Exactly that’s the story of […]